All attacks MUST be in by the Monday before the event at 7 pm. Central or they might not be added. Also,
cards are finalized the Sunday Morning before the event, this is to give our Prediction people a day or so to write up their
columns. Remember, CEO has final say on whether or not an attack is added.
Email attacks to the CEO.
June 4th, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
June 11th, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
June 18th, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
July 2nd, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
July 9th, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
July 23rd, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
August 6th, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
August 13th, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
August 20th, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
September 3rd, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
September 10th, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???
September 17th, 2008
??? vs. ???
Main Event
Television Title
??? vs. ???